The idea was born many years ago out of passion and dreams.
The main driving force was the desire to create a utility vehicle for people looking for a new form of personal transport. The result of these works is the CABBIKE vehicle, which is successfully used in several European countries (more at
On its basis, we have been developing the new EQHawk project since 2018 - from a simple idea to the first sketch, to computer visualizations and a prototype model. Considering the current situation and the state of work on the prototype, we assume their completion at the end of 2023. We will update this information if there are any changes.
We are passionate people who dream of delivering something more than just a bicycle.
Projekt „EQHAWK - polski rower przyszłości” jest realizowany w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia 2014-2020 Osi priorytetowej I: Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia Działania 1.1 Platformy startowe dla nowych pomysłów Poddziałania 1.1.2 Rozwój startupów w Polsce Wschodniej
nr umowy - Nr POPW.01.01.02-18-0140/21
Wartość dofinansowania - 862 665,00 PLN
Nasza droga:
2018 – Start of work on EQHawk
From the idea to the first sketch, to visualizations and a prototype model.
2023 - EQHawk prototype completed
Work on the prototype is expected to be completed by the end of 2023.
Creation of the CABBIKE vehicle
Used successfully in Europe
2017 – Birth of an idea
Creation of a concept for a new form of personal transport.
Your mobility revolution
EQHawk Design
Our main goal is quality and reliability
Sustainability and quality
We focus on the natural environment by providing innovative electric vehicles that ensure mobility with an emphasis on sustainable development.